1960s PeoplePEOPLE – OUR MOST VALUED ASSETBrother was always “at your side” with employees as well as customers and retailers. From day one, Brother treated employees like they were extended family. Small wonder that many company executives have been at the company for over 20 years. Long tenures are the exception rather than the rule in the “revolving door” technology sector, so Brother is especially proud to recognize three rather exceptional employees who have been with the company since the ‘60s:Here’s to Bill Salas who joined in 1969, Gary Bartholomew who came on board in 1968, and, our longest-serving employee, Charlie “At Your Service” 1960s PRODUCTSStadler, who joined in 1966. Thank you for spending the last four decades (and then some) at our side.Portable typewritersElectric typewritersManual typewritersCash registersSewing machinesKnitting machinesOEM for Montgomery Ward, Remington, Sears, Gambles, Western AutoElectric organsHigh-speed lock-stitcher sewing machinesElectric cleanersTapping machines1965 – Major Edward White takes Single-purpose machinesAMERICA IN THE 60s 20-minute space walkAdding machines1960 – JFK elected President1966 – Mao Tse-Tung launches Great Calculators/IC calculators1961 – Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin Proletarian Cultural Revolution frst man to orbit the Earth1967 – Hair opens on Broadway1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis1968 – Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated1963 – JFK assassinated in Dallas, TX1969 – Neil Armstrong walks on the 1964 – U.S. Surgeon General warns moon, and Woodstock changes against cigarette smoking people forever19 20